100 Hard Things

79.  Finished my homework, even though it was late.

80. Kept from blowing up when I was really mad.

81. Practiced violin when I just wanted to sleep.

82. Got up and worked out when I just wanted to sleep.

83. Went to school even though I felt awful.

84. Persevered.

85. Held the tears in.

86. Asked for help in class.

87. Was completely honest.

88. Said I was sorry.

89. Meant it.

90. Ran a Kids’ Zone for a festival.

91. Did precalculus homework without a calculator.

92. Figured out how to do said homework all by myself.

93. Played violin until my fingers bled.

94. Didn’t argue with my teacher.

95. Hiked four miles with ten small children telling the same bad joke over and over and over…and over.

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