Reason # 11 & Reason # 12

Reason #11: I went to confession on Saturday (thus the earlier post) and afterwards I felt so free. It literally felt like something came inside of me and wiped me clean. It was wonderful.

Reason #12: At Sunday Mass, in my happy little state of grace 🙂 I received the Eucharist and I thought, “How lucky am I, that my Jesus loves me so much he would give his whole self to me, without reservation!” And my heart just swelled. I mean it! I couldn’t stop smiling.

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. –John 15:13

100 Hard Things

29. Swept mulch off the sidewalk outside of my church with an indoor broom. Much harder than it sounds!


30. Painted cardboard boxes with oil based paint and dealt with the resulting unnaturally colored hands. 🙂

31. Went to confession. This is ALWAYS a hard thing.