100 Hard Things

29. Swept mulch off the sidewalk outside of my church with an indoor broom. Much harder than it sounds!


30. Painted cardboard boxes with oil based paint and dealt with the resulting unnaturally colored hands. 🙂

31. Went to confession. This is ALWAYS a hard thing.


100 Hard Things


26. Helped sixth and seventh graders (twitch) find their lockers (twitch) and taught them how to use the locks (twitch again) with a pounding headache. 


27. Worked through the first two pages of Bach’s Double Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor. SO difficult.


28. Ate ice cream without making myself feel terrible and/or punishing myself, etc. for it. Hasn’t happened in almost two years, and it took a lot of willpower.

100 Hard Things

Nine and ten:

9. Refrained from reading, writing, violin, running, basketball for ten hours.

Due to a concussion.

10. –and I wasn’t rude or hateful about it, which was the really hard part. 🙂 

Numero once: (eleven)

11. Offered up suffering (see above–both actual pain and lack of being allowed to do anything…) for souls in Purgatory–even though I kind of didn’t want to, I just wanted to wallow in misery all by myself (apparently yes I really am that selfish–St. Benedict help me!)

And twelve:

12. Helped to host, set up, clean up a party. With a colony of miners in my head. 🙂

But wait! There’s more. It’s been a long weekend.

13. Was very polite at said party and entertained 7-10 yr old girls. Not as fun as it may sound.

14. Confronted my friend about something I didn’t want to confront this person about at all. That took a lot of courage.

And last but not least for the past weekend:

15. Went to bed on time!

But wait! There’s still more! That was all for the weekend but today I:

16. Cleaned my whole room without getting distracted.

17. Sorted all of the papers and school stuff under my desk, on shelves, and in cabinets.

18. Organized my closet. (Much harder than it sounds.)

19. Moved furniture in my brothers’ room not once but twice.

20. Cleaned their gross, disgusting floor.

21. Unloaded the dishwasher (Paul’s job…)

22. With a concussion.

23. Offered up the pain again (maybe I’ll get a little better at this sacrifice thing. Maybe by the end I’ll say “Thank you God!”)

(Note that now is not the end. 🙂 )

24. Made lunch for my screaming sister. (The screaming was the hard part here.)

25. Got on the computer to post this.